Removal and replacement of exterior window systems, the installation of unit air conditioners in classrooms and offices, a ground-mounted rooftop HVAC unit and related electrical upgrades.

Removal and replacement of exterior window systems, the installation of unit air conditioners in classrooms and offices, a ground-mounted rooftop HVAC unit and related electrical upgrades.
Relocation of administrative office area to existing space adjacent to front entrance. Work will include enclosing existing canopy area, new concrete slabs, interior partitions, and MEP work.
Renovations to the 5th and 6th-floor public restrooms within Milner Library Work includes, but is not limited to: Interior work including paint, wall and floor tile. Metal framing and drywall. Replacement of existing domestic water and waste piping. Installation of new toilet partitions and accessories. Revisions to the existing electrical systems including fire alarm.